
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Fancy spam message displayer (C) cos in May 2019
import random as ran
import sys, time

class spamMsg:
    charSamples = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'x', 'y', 'z',
                   '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
    charSamplesExt = ['py', 'py', 'py', 'py', 'll', 'll', 'll', 'deb', 'json']
    progressLoaded = ['#', '|', 'H', 'X', '█']
    progressNotLoaded = ['-', '=', ' ', '_']
    #colourfulRate = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
    colours = [32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
               37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37]
    # printNums() prints decimal integers in rows. Integers are random from [start] to [end]
    # [times] is how many times to repeat (in line)
    #   printNums: Int Int Int -> None
    def printNums(self, start, end, times):
        for _j in range(times):
            toPrint = ran.randint(start, end)
            print('\033[1;%dm %d \033[0m' % (ran.choice(spamMsg.colours), toPrint), end = ' ')
            time.sleep(ran.uniform(0.05, 0.1))
    # printChar() prints a number and a random sequence of characters
    #   printChar: None -> None
    def printChar(self):
        print(ran.randint(1000, 9999), 
        ''.join(ran.sample(spamMsg.charSamples, ran.randint(3, 20))))
    class spamFile:
        # getaFile() returns a random file name
        # getaFile: None -> Str
        def getaFile(self):
            return (''.join(ran.sample(spamMsg.charSamples, ran.randint(3, 9))) + '.' + 
        # printFileValue(current, total) prints spam file analysis. [total] and [current] are random
        # printFileValue: Int Int -> None
        def printFileValue(self, current, total): #| [total] is not used here
            fileName = spamMsg().spamFile().getaFile()                                           #|      
            print('Analysing file No.%d \033[1;%dm %s \033[0m'                                   #|
             % (current, ran.choice(spamMsg.colours), fileName), end ='')                        #|
            if ran.choice([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]): #| true or false is random                     #|
                print('\n The file %s is either removed or corrupted. It is skipped.' % fileName)#| spam message
            else:                                                                                #|
                print(' . . . OK.')
        # printFileKey() prints spam file and key analysis. [length] is the length of the key string
        # [total] and [current] are random
        # printFileKey: Int -> None
        def printFileKey(self, length, current, total): #| [total] is not used here
            fileName = spamMsg().spamFile().getaFile()
            print('*** The file No.%d \033[1;%dm %s \033[0m is parsed with KEY \033[0;33m%s\033[0m.' 
             % (current, ran.choice(spamMsg.colours), fileName, 
             str.upper(''.join(ran.sample(spamMsg.charSamples, length)))))
    # printKey(length) prints a spam key, [length] is the length of each segment
    #   printKey: Int -> None
    def printKey(self, length):
        print('ANALYSED SECRET KEY: ', end = '')
        myRange = ran.randint(5, 10)
        for j in range(myRange):
            for _k in range(length):
                print(str.upper(ran.choice(spamMsg.charSamples)), end = '')
            if j < myRange - 1: print(end = '-')
    class spamBar:
        # [width] is the width of bar, 
        # [count] is the current step count, [total] is the total steps, [style] is the chars of the bar
        # STYLE: [Str Str] example ['#', '-']
        def __init__(self, width = 10, total = 0, count = 0, style = ['#', '-']):
            self.width = width
   = total
            self.count = count
   = style
       # spamProgressOneLine(f) displays a spam progress bar, [f] is the procedure to 
       # operate during the spaming
       #   spamProgressOneLine: self (Int Int -> None) -> None
        def spamProgressOneLine(self, f):
           sys.stdout.write(' ' * (self.width + 20) + '\r') # 20 overwrites previous spaces
           f(self.count, #| function f uses two params which are current count and total count
           progress = self.width * self.count //
           sys.stdout.write('%d/%d: ' % (self.count,
           sys.stdout.write([0] * progress +[1] * (self.width - progress) + 
            ' (%.1f%%)' % (self.count / * 100) + '\r')
           if progress == self.width: sys.stdout.write('\n')
        # spamProgress(f, timeLimit) displays them n a row
        # [timeLimit] is the lower and upper limit of random time eg [0.01, 0.5]
        #   spamProgressOneLine: self (Int Int -> None) [Float Float] -> None
        def spamProgress(self, f, timeLimit):
           for _j in range(
               self.count += 1
               time.sleep(ran.uniform(timeLimit[0], timeLimit[1]))
        # spamDots(amount) prints [width] [dot]s one by one. [dot] is first of [style]
        #   spamDots: self -> None
        def spamDots(self): # only uses [width] and [style]
            for _j in range(self.width):
                print([0], end = ' ')
    # spamTree() prints a spam list tree, [start] and [end] indicate range of repeating times
    # [length] is the max length of each line, [beginStr] is the string to print at the beginning
    #   spamTree: Int Int Int Str -> None
    def spamTree(self, start, end, length, beginStr):
        if end < 10: return
        for _j in range(start, end):
            print(beginStr, end = '')
            print('|', end = '')
            if ran.choice([0, 0, 1]):
                print('-' * ran.randint(5, length) + '\033[1;%dm %s \033[0m' 
                 % (ran.choice(spamMsg.colours), spamMsg().spamFile().getaFile()))
                if ran.choice([0, 0, 1]):
                    spamMsg().spamTree(start, end // 2, length // 2, '|' + ' ' * ran.randint(5, length // 3))
            else: print()
            time.sleep(0.005) # the behavior of this procedure is undefined because it may repeat unknown times

# main() displays garbage spam messages
#   main: None -> None
#   effect: prints many lines; does not stop
def main():
    spam = spamMsg()
    print('\nHello world!\n     ♚\n')
    nthRun = 1
    while not time.sleep(0.3):
        print('Retrieving secret catalogs %d...' % nthRun)
        for j in range(ran.randint(3, 10)):
            spam.printNums(10, 99, ran.randint(5, 15))
            if j % 3 == 0: spam.printChar()                          #|
            if j % ran.randint(1, 10): spam.printNums(100, 9999, 1)  #| make random
            spam.spamBar(ran.randint(10, 20), ran.randint(5, 10), 0, 
             [ran.choice(spam.progressLoaded),                #|lambda: does nothing
              ran.choice(spam.progressNotLoaded)]).spamProgress(lambda x, y: x, [0.01, 0.05])
        for _j in range(ran.randint(1, 5)): spam.printKey(ran.randint(4, 6))
        spam.spamBar(5, style = [' ◆ ']).spamDots()

        print('\nKEYS ANALYSING COMPLETE.\n\n\033[1;33;44mAnalyzing files...\033[0m')
        for _j in range(3): spam.spamBar(5, style = [' ◇ ']).spamDots()
        spam.spamBar(60, ran.randint(10, 400), 0, ['#', '_']).spamProgress(spam.spamFile().printFileValue, [0.01, 0.1])

        print('\nBUILD SYSTEM FILE.')
        spam.spamBar(5, style = [' ● ']).spamDots()
        spam.spamTree(20, 150, 70, '')
        print('\nDISPLAYED SYSTEM FILE.')
        spam.spamBar(5, style = [' ◆ ']).spamDots()

        spam.spamBar(50, ran.randint(10, 400), 0, ['#', '_']).spamProgress(
         lambda x, y: spam.spamFile().printFileKey(8, x, y), [0.01, 0.1]) #| lambda: curry, does nothing
        print('\nInterpreted and switched files %d.\n \033[1;36;43mSUCCESS.\033[0m\n' % nthRun)
        nthRun += 1





