Shanghai x2

East side of Huang Pu River is an enjoyable park which extends itself to form a curve line. There are many people hanging out. Due to the late rain on this day, the vision was more clean.
Test the 'night scene' feature again on the new device.


The light beam from the middle skysrcaper was, from what I observed by eyes, there.




Still not exceptional for the auto straightening feature.


This is the running + biking lane on the riverside. There supposed to be two people at the end, but I removed them by Photoshop!


And last is the dinner:

Delicious is Japanese ramen.


This was the first time I had a window seat while the jet toke off and landed at night despite I had fly so many times. Which means I could photograph nightviews from high above for the first time.
Try it with the 'night scene' right way.




Personally I think the images' thumbnails are good-looking but the real images are crap if you scroll in. You can open a new tab for the images by right-clicking.

However I toke some other ones with Google camera. See the comparison.


Looks like some game.
